##Adobe File Version: 1.000 #======================================================================= # FTP file name: DINGBATS.TXT # # Contents: Map (external version) from Mac OS Dingbats # character set to Unicode 2.1 # # Copyright: (c) 1994-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights # reserved. # # Contact: charsets@apple.com # # Changes: # # b02 1999-Sep-22 Update contact e-mail address. Matches # internal utom, ufrm, and Text # Encoding Converter version 1.5. # n05 1998-Feb-05 Update to match internal utom, ufrm, # and Text Encoding Converter version 1.3: # Change all mappings to single corporate-zone # Unicodes to either use standard Unicodes # or standard Unicodes plus transcoding hints; # see details below. Also update header # comments to new format. # n03 1995-Apr-15 First version (after fixing some typos). # Matches internal ufrm. # # Standard header: # ---------------- # # Apple, the Apple logo, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple # Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. # Unicode is a trademark of Unicode Inc. For the sake of brevity, # throughout this document, "Macintosh" can be used to refer to # Macintosh computers and "Unicode" can be used to refer to the # Unicode standard. # # Apple makes no warranty or representation, either express or # implied, with respect to these tables, their quality, accuracy, or # fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Apple be liable # for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages # resulting from any defect or inaccuracy in this document or the # accompanying tables. # # These mapping tables and character lists are subject to change. # The latest tables should be available from the following: # # # # # For general information about Mac OS encodings and these mapping # tables, see the file "README.TXT". # # Format: # ------- # # Three tab-separated columns; # '#' begins a comment which continues to the end of the line. # Column #1 is the Mac OS Dingbats code (in hex as 0xNN) # Column #2 is the corresponding Unicode or Unicode sequence # (in hex as 0xNNNN or 0xNNNN+0xNNNN). # Column #3 is a comment containing the Unicode name. # # The entries are in Mac OS Dingbats code order. # # Some of these mappings require the use of corporate characters. # See the file "CORPCHAR.TXT" and notes below. # # Control character mappings are not shown in this table, following # the conventions of the standard UTC mapping tables. However, the # Mac OS Dingbats character set uses the standard control characters # at 0x00-0x1F and 0x7F. # # Notes on Mac OS Dingbats: # ------------------------- # # The Mac OS Dingbats encoding shares the script code smRoman # (0) with the standard Mac OS Roman encoding. To determine if # the Dingbats encoding is being used, you must check if the # font name is "Zapf Dingbats". # # The layout of the Dingbats character set is identical to or # a superset of the layout of the Adobe Zapf Dingbats encoding # vector. # # The following code points are unused, and are not shown here: # 0x8E-0xA0, 0xF0, 0xFF. # # Unicode mapping issues and notes: # --------------------------------- # # The goals in the Apple mappings provided here are: # - Ensure roundtrip mapping from every character in the Mac OS Dingbats # character set to Unicode and back # - Use standard Unicode characters as much as possible, to maximize # interchangeability of the resulting Unicode text. Whenever possible, # avoid having content carried by private-use characters. # # To satisfy both goals, we use private use characters to mark variants # that are similar to a sequence of one or more standard Unicode # characters. # # Apple has defined a block of 32 corporate characters as "transcoding # hints." These are used in combination with standard Unicode characters # to force them to be treated in a special way for mapping to other # encodings; they have no other effect. Sixteen of these transcoding # hints are "grouping hints" - they indicate that the next 2-4 Unicode # characters should be treated as a single entity for transcoding. The # other sixteen transcoding hints are "variant tags" - they are like # combining characters, and can follow a standard Unicode (or a sequence # consisting of a base character and other combining characters) to # cause it to be treated in a special way for transcoding. These always # terminate a combining-character sequence. # # The transcoding coding hints used in this mapping table are two # variant tags: # 0xF87C, 0xF87F # Since these are combined with standard Unicode characters, some # characters in the Mac OS Dingbats character set map to a sequence of # two Unicodes instead of a single Unicode character. # # For example, the Mac OS Dingbats character at 0x88 is a heavy or bold # variant of LEFT ANGLE BRACKET (the standard mapping is for the # abstract character at 0x84). So 0x88 is mapped to 0x3008 (LEFT ANGLE # BRACKET) + 0xF87C (a variant tag). # # Details of mapping changes in each version: # ------------------------------------------- # # Changes from version n03 to version n05: # # - The mappings for the following Mac OS Dingbats characters # were changed from single corporate-zone Unicode characters # to standard Unicode characters: # 0x80-0x81, 0x84-0x87, 0x8A-0x8D. # # - The mappings for the following Mac OS Dingbats characters # were changed from single corporate-zone Unicode characters # to combinations of a standard Unicode and a transcoding hint: # 0x82-0x83, 0x88-0x89. # ################## 0x20 0x0020 # SPACE 0x21 0x2701 # UPPER BLADE SCISSORS 0x22 0x2702 # BLACK SCISSORS 0x23 0x2703 # LOWER BLADE SCISSORS 0x24 0x2704 # WHITE SCISSORS 0x25 0x260E # BLACK TELEPHONE 0x26 0x2706 # TELEPHONE LOCATION SIGN 0x27 0x2707 # TAPE DRIVE 0x28 0x2708 # AIRPLANE 0x29 0x2709 # ENVELOPE 0x2A 0x261B # BLACK RIGHT POINTING INDEX 0x2B 0x261E # WHITE RIGHT POINTING INDEX 0x2C 0x270C # VICTORY HAND 0x2D 0x270D # WRITING HAND 0x2E 0x270E # LOWER RIGHT PENCIL 0x2F 0x270F # PENCIL 0x30 0x2710 # UPPER RIGHT PENCIL 0x31 0x2711 # WHITE NIB 0x32 0x2712 # BLACK NIB 0x33 0x2713 # CHECK MARK 0x34 0x2714 # HEAVY CHECK MARK 0x35 0x2715 # MULTIPLICATION X 0x36 0x2716 # HEAVY MULTIPLICATION X 0x37 0x2717 # BALLOT X 0x38 0x2718 # HEAVY BALLOT X 0x39 0x2719 # OUTLINED GREEK CROSS 0x3A 0x271A # HEAVY GREEK CROSS 0x3B 0x271B # OPEN CENTRE CROSS 0x3C 0x271C # HEAVY OPEN CENTRE CROSS 0x3D 0x271D # LATIN CROSS 0x3E 0x271E # SHADOWED WHITE LATIN CROSS 0x3F 0x271F # OUTLINED LATIN CROSS 0x40 0x2720 # MALTESE CROSS 0x41 0x2721 # STAR OF DAVID 0x42 0x2722 # FOUR TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK 0x43 0x2723 # FOUR BALLOON-SPOKED ASTERISK 0x44 0x2724 # HEAVY FOUR BALLOON-SPOKED ASTERISK 0x45 0x2725 # FOUR CLUB-SPOKED ASTERISK 0x46 0x2726 # BLACK FOUR POINTED STAR 0x47 0x2727 # WHITE FOUR POINTED STAR 0x48 0x2605 # BLACK STAR 0x49 0x2729 # STRESS OUTLINED WHITE STAR 0x4A 0x272A # CIRCLED WHITE STAR 0x4B 0x272B # OPEN CENTRE BLACK STAR 0x4C 0x272C # BLACK CENTRE WHITE STAR 0x4D 0x272D # OUTLINED BLACK STAR 0x4E 0x272E # HEAVY OUTLINED BLACK STAR 0x4F 0x272F # PINWHEEL STAR 0x50 0x2730 # SHADOWED WHITE STAR 0x51 0x2731 # HEAVY ASTERISK 0x52 0x2732 # OPEN CENTRE ASTERISK 0x53 0x2733 # EIGHT SPOKED ASTERISK 0x54 0x2734 # EIGHT POINTED BLACK STAR 0x55 0x2735 # EIGHT POINTED PINWHEEL STAR 0x56 0x2736 # SIX POINTED BLACK STAR 0x57 0x2737 # EIGHT POINTED RECTILINEAR BLACK STAR 0x58 0x2738 # HEAVY EIGHT POINTED RECTILINEAR BLACK STAR 0x59 0x2739 # TWELVE POINTED BLACK STAR 0x5A 0x273A # SIXTEEN POINTED ASTERISK 0x5B 0x273B # TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK 0x5C 0x273C # OPEN CENTRE TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK 0x5D 0x273D # HEAVY TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK 0x5E 0x273E # SIX PETALLED BLACK AND WHITE FLORETTE 0x5F 0x273F # BLACK FLORETTE 0x60 0x2740 # WHITE FLORETTE 0x61 0x2741 # EIGHT PETALLED OUTLINED BLACK FLORETTE 0x62 0x2742 # CIRCLED OPEN CENTRE EIGHT POINTED STAR 0x63 0x2743 # HEAVY TEARDROP-SPOKED PINWHEEL ASTERISK 0x64 0x2744 # SNOWFLAKE 0x65 0x2745 # TIGHT TRIFOLIATE SNOWFLAKE 0x66 0x2746 # HEAVY CHEVRON SNOWFLAKE 0x67 0x2747 # SPARKLE 0x68 0x2748 # HEAVY SPARKLE 0x69 0x2749 # BALLOON-SPOKED ASTERISK 0x6A 0x274A # EIGHT TEARDROP-SPOKED PROPELLER ASTERISK 0x6B 0x274B # HEAVY EIGHT TEARDROP-SPOKED PROPELLER ASTERISK 0x6C 0x25CF # BLACK CIRCLE 0x6D 0x274D # SHADOWED WHITE CIRCLE 0x6E 0x25A0 # BLACK SQUARE 0x6F 0x274F # LOWER RIGHT DROP-SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE 0x70 0x2750 # UPPER RIGHT DROP-SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE 0x71 0x2751 # LOWER RIGHT SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE 0x72 0x2752 # UPPER RIGHT SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE 0x73 0x25B2 # BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE 0x74 0x25BC # BLACK DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE 0x75 0x25C6 # BLACK DIAMOND 0x76 0x2756 # BLACK DIAMOND MINUS WHITE X 0x77 0x25D7 # RIGHT HALF BLACK CIRCLE 0x78 0x2758 # LIGHT VERTICAL BAR 0x79 0x2759 # MEDIUM VERTICAL BAR 0x7A 0x275A # HEAVY VERTICAL BAR 0x7B 0x275B # HEAVY SINGLE TURNED COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT 0x7C 0x275C # HEAVY SINGLE COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT 0x7D 0x275D # HEAVY DOUBLE TURNED COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT 0x7E 0x275E # HEAVY DOUBLE COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT # 0x80 0x0028 # LEFT PARENTHESIS 0x81 0x0029 # RIGHT PARENTHESIS 0x82 0x0028+0xF87F # LEFT PARENTHESIS, alternate (flattened) 0x83 0x0029+0xF87F # RIGHT PARENTHESIS, alternate (flattened) 0x84 0x3008 # LEFT ANGLE BRACKET 0x85 0x3009 # RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET 0x86 0x2039 # SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x87 0x203A # SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x88 0x3008+0xF87C # LEFT ANGLE BRACKET, heavy 0x89 0x3009+0xF87C # RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET, heavy 0x8A 0x3014 # LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET 0x8B 0x3015 # RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET 0x8C 0x007B # LEFT CURLY BRACKET 0x8D 0x007D # RIGHT CURLY BRACKET # 0xA1 0x2761 # CURVED STEM PARAGRAPH SIGN ORNAMENT 0xA2 0x2762 # HEAVY EXCLAMATION MARK ORNAMENT 0xA3 0x2763 # HEAVY HEART EXCLAMATION MARK ORNAMENT 0xA4 0x2764 # HEAVY BLACK HEART 0xA5 0x2765 # ROTATED HEAVY BLACK HEART BULLET 0xA6 0x2766 # FLORAL HEART 0xA7 0x2767 # ROTATED FLORAL HEART BULLET 0xA8 0x2663 # BLACK CLUB SUIT 0xA9 0x2666 # BLACK DIAMOND SUIT 0xAA 0x2665 # BLACK HEART SUIT 0xAB 0x2660 # BLACK SPADE SUIT 0xAC 0x2460 # CIRCLED DIGIT ONE 0xAD 0x2461 # CIRCLED DIGIT TWO 0xAE 0x2462 # CIRCLED DIGIT THREE 0xAF 0x2463 # CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR 0xB0 0x2464 # CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE 0xB1 0x2465 # CIRCLED DIGIT SIX 0xB2 0x2466 # CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN 0xB3 0x2467 # CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT 0xB4 0x2468 # CIRCLED DIGIT NINE 0xB5 0x2469 # CIRCLED NUMBER TEN 0xB6 0x2776 # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT ONE 0xB7 0x2777 # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT TWO 0xB8 0x2778 # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT THREE 0xB9 0x2779 # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR 0xBA 0x277A # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE 0xBB 0x277B # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT SIX 0xBC 0x277C # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN 0xBD 0x277D # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT 0xBE 0x277E # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT NINE 0xBF 0x277F # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED NUMBER TEN 0xC0 0x2780 # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT ONE 0xC1 0x2781 # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT TWO 0xC2 0x2782 # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT THREE 0xC3 0x2783 # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT FOUR 0xC4 0x2784 # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT FIVE 0xC5 0x2785 # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT SIX 0xC6 0x2786 # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT SEVEN 0xC7 0x2787 # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT EIGHT 0xC8 0x2788 # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE 0xC9 0x2789 # DINGBAT CIRCLED SANS-SERIF NUMBER TEN 0xCA 0x278A # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT ONE 0xCB 0x278B # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT TWO 0xCC 0x278C # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT THREE 0xCD 0x278D # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT FOUR 0xCE 0x278E # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT FIVE 0xCF 0x278F # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT SIX 0xD0 0x2790 # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT SEVEN 0xD1 0x2791 # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT EIGHT 0xD2 0x2792 # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE 0xD3 0x2793 # DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF NUMBER TEN 0xD4 0x2794 # HEAVY WIDE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xD5 0x2192 # RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xD6 0x2194 # LEFT RIGHT ARROW 0xD7 0x2195 # UP DOWN ARROW 0xD8 0x2798 # HEAVY SOUTH EAST ARROW 0xD9 0x2799 # HEAVY RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xDA 0x279A # HEAVY NORTH EAST ARROW 0xDB 0x279B # DRAFTING POINT RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xDC 0x279C # HEAVY ROUND-TIPPED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xDD 0x279D # TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xDE 0x279E # HEAVY TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xDF 0x279F # DASHED TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xE0 0x27A0 # HEAVY DASHED TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xE1 0x27A1 # BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xE2 0x27A2 # THREE-D TOP-LIGHTED RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD 0xE3 0x27A3 # THREE-D BOTTOM-LIGHTED RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD 0xE4 0x27A4 # BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD 0xE5 0x27A5 # HEAVY BLACK CURVED DOWNWARDS AND RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xE6 0x27A6 # HEAVY BLACK CURVED UPWARDS AND RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xE7 0x27A7 # SQUAT BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xE8 0x27A8 # HEAVY CONCAVE-POINTED BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xE9 0x27A9 # RIGHT-SHADED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xEA 0x27AA # LEFT-SHADED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xEB 0x27AB # BACK-TILTED SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xEC 0x27AC # FRONT-TILTED SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xED 0x27AD # HEAVY LOWER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xEE 0x27AE # HEAVY UPPER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xEF 0x27AF # NOTCHED LOWER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW # 0xF1 0x27B1 # NOTCHED UPPER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xF2 0x27B2 # CIRCLED HEAVY WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xF3 0x27B3 # WHITE-FEATHERED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xF4 0x27B4 # BLACK-FEATHERED SOUTH EAST ARROW 0xF5 0x27B5 # BLACK-FEATHERED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xF6 0x27B6 # BLACK-FEATHERED NORTH EAST ARROW 0xF7 0x27B7 # HEAVY BLACK-FEATHERED SOUTH EAST ARROW 0xF8 0x27B8 # HEAVY BLACK-FEATHERED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xF9 0x27B9 # HEAVY BLACK-FEATHERED NORTH EAST ARROW 0xFA 0x27BA # TEARDROP-BARBED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xFB 0x27BB # HEAVY TEARDROP-SHANKED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xFC 0x27BC # WEDGE-TAILED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xFD 0x27BD # HEAVY WEDGE-TAILED RIGHTWARDS ARROW 0xFE 0x27BE # OPEN-OUTLINED RIGHTWARDS ARROW